Focal points

Here you will find all ongoing and completed nexus projects on the respective topic or procedure. Click on one of the terms below.

  • Citizens’ Assembly on Fair Taxation

    nexus is responsible for the random selection, participant management, moderation and documentation of the Citizens' Debate Fair Taxation.

  • MiGriS – Micro mobility grid solutions: Modular and circular battery and LEV systems

    nexus has been commissioned to realise the development of three pilots, including public relations work and user surveys.

  • Engagement of Stakeholders in the Design, Programming and Testing of an AI-powered Chatbot for Addiction Questions (Addiction GPT)

    nexus facilitates the participatory engagement of stakeholders from the addiction care community and those affected to ensure a suitable and data protection-compliant design of the chatbot.

  • New location for a forensic psychiatric clinic in Bad Cannstatt

    nexus designs and carries out the participation process “New location for a forensic psychiatric clinic in Bad Cannstatt” on behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration.

  • Citizens’ Assembly City of Peace Dresden

    nexus has been commissioned by the Frauenkirche Foundation to design and organise a citizens' council with randomly selected Dresden citizens on the topic of “Peace City Dresden”.

  • SCALEDEM – Scaling democratic innovations

    nexus supports the implementation of the pilot projects. This includes the selection and introduction of innovative projects, the provision of a mentoring programme, the organisation of capacity building workshops and the evaluation of the results from the piloting.

  • Project evaluation ‘Dialogue Forum Private Households 2.0’

    nexus designed and carried out a process and result evaluation of the project ‘Dialogue Forum Private Households 2.0’ on behalf of the Technical University of Berlin and in cooperation with C³ team.

  • Future Forum Göttingen 2024 – How should the city involve the people of Göttingen in the future?

    nexus is responsible for the organisation, support and moderation of a multi-stage participation process for the development of guidelines for citizen participation for the city of Göttingen.

  • Municipal Climate Assemblies

    nexus designs two climate assemblies with randomly selected citizens in two partner cities.

  • Citizen participation as part of the procedure for the construction of a mono sewage sludge utilisation plant in the area covered by the Thuringia Municipal Sewage Sludge Recycling Association (ZV KKT)

    nexus designs and implements a citizens' jury Planning Cell as part of the procedure for the construction of a mono sewage sludge recycling plant in the area covered by the Thuringia Municipal Sewage Sludge Recycling Association

  • Pilot Implementation of a Non-Competitive Recognition Format “SynergisteN”

    nexus is conducting the pilot phase of a cooperative, non-competitive recognition format for sustainable, transformative projects at the municipal and regional levels on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency.

  • Dialogue process Tempelhofer Feld

    nexus is conducting the Tempelhofer Feld dialogue process on behalf of Tempelhof Projekt GmbH and the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing. The aim is to integrate the perspectives of 250 Berliners into the dialogue on the future of Tempelhofer Feld.

  • Transformation in Small and Medium-Sized Cities: Mobility Patterns and Impacts on Environmental Quality and the Quality of Public Spaces

    On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), nexus is designing a 6-month test phase in which residents of a small town and a medium-sized town in central Germany will test mobility services as an alternative to their own car in their everyday lives.

  • Development of principles/guidelines for internal informal participation and support for informal participation activities in infrastructure projects of roads, bridges and waters (LSBG)

    nexus advises and supports the informal internal participation in the LSBG and the external participation of diverse target groups in infrastructure projects.

  • idem – innovative and inclusive democratic spaces for deliberation and participation

    nexus is researching the challenges faced by people with disabilities in political participation processes. Together with ten other European partners, nexus is developing an AI-based voice assistant to facilitate the communicative participation of people with disabilities.

  • Secure data traffic – everyday illustration of fundamental rights risks

    nexus researches how internet users and experts perceive the risks of data processing on the internet and develops data protection-compliant information dialogs.

  • Process support and evaluation „GROW HAPPY NBG – growing up mentally healthy in the neighbourhood “

    nexus accompanies the project team in the planning and implementation process and evaluates the project GROW HAPPY NBG on behalf of the city of Nürnberg.

  • TheaDiPOLIS – Theater participation for a digitally experienceable creation of the future polis

    nexus accompanies and evaluates the possibility of combining methods of autobiograph-ical-documentary theater with non-actors with interactive digital tools as a participation method in urban development projects.

  • Development and piloting of the “Participation in border regions” programme

    On behalf of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the nexus Institute supports regions on the border with Germany's neighbouring countries in the development of cross-border citizen participation projects and structures.

  • Conception and implementation of five further training as part of the workshop series “Learning together” for the experience and consulting network Bürgerbeteiligung Sachsen (EBBS)

    Accessibility of citizen participation – in the sense of a wide concept of inclusion.

  • Climate Assembly Skopje

    nexus supports the conception, implementation and evaluation of a citizens' council in Skopje on air pollution.

  • AI Cockpit: Implementation of practical examples for “Human in Command”

    nexus evaluates, accompanies and designs the research project AI-Cockpit: Implementation of practical examples for "Human in Command" on behalf of the BMAS.

  • Gender-sensitive urban planning: potential for sustainable and diverse cities

    On behalf of the BBSR, nexus is working together with UP19 Stadtforschung + Beratung as part of the "Experimental Housing and Urban Development" (ExWoSt) research programme on the study "Gender-equitable urban development: potential for sustainable and diverse cities".

  • Communication and participation formats for the Dresden Transport Authority (DVB)

    nexus designs and accompanies various communication and participation formats and processes in the context of the planning for the further development of public transport in Dresden.

  • Mobility2Grid research campus: Efficient and networked systems for the climate-neutral city

    nexus designs and implements innovative participation processes in the various areas of the M2G research campus and analyses the role of participation in transfer processes.

  • BeNaMo – supportive research on sustainable forms of mobility

    nexus, together with Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, is accompanying the projects funded by the BMBF’s (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) research agenda “Sustainable Urban Mobility”.

  • Interreg DREAM_PACE – Demand Responsive Transport in Central Europe

    nexus is conducting studies in the Baden-Württemberg area to strengthen the local on-demand transport structure.

  • Environmental Policy Dialogue

    In a dialogue process with citizens, nexus develops and tests innovative and target group-oriented address formats for people who tend to be sceptical about environmental policy.

  • Citizens’ Advisory Council on Berlin-Tourism

    On behalf of SenWiEnBe and visitBerlin, nexus accompanies the Citizens' Coucil Berlin-Tourismus as its office.

  • DIGITAL SCRUBS – Social implications and effects of context-sensitive, neuroergonomic human-machine interactions on team dynamics in networked operating rooms

    nexus is researching, developing and evaluating an interpersonal and multimodal attention assistance system for context-sensitive, neuroergonomic human-machine interaction in networked operating theatres for the first time.

Current projects

  • AI Cockpit: Implementation of practical examples for “Human in Command”

    nexus evaluates, accompanies and designs the research project AI-Cockpit: Implementation of practical examples for "Human in Command" on behalf of the BMAS.

  • BeNaMo – supportive research on sustainable forms of mobility

    nexus, together with Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, is accompanying the projects funded by the BMBF’s (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) research agenda “Sustainable Urban Mobility”.

  • Citizen participation as part of the procedure for the construction of a mono sewage sludge utilisation plant in the area covered by the Thuringia Municipal Sewage Sludge Recycling Association (ZV KKT)

    nexus designs and implements a citizens' jury Planning Cell as part of the procedure for the construction of a mono sewage sludge recycling plant in the area covered by the Thuringia Municipal Sewage Sludge Recycling Association

  • Citizens’ Advisory Council on Berlin-Tourism

    On behalf of SenWiEnBe and visitBerlin, nexus accompanies the Citizens' Coucil Berlin-Tourismus as its office.

  • Citizens’ Assembly City of Peace Dresden

    nexus has been commissioned by the Frauenkirche Foundation to design and organise a citizens' council with randomly selected Dresden citizens on the topic of “Peace City Dresden”.

  • Citizens’ Assembly on Fair Taxation

    nexus is responsible for the random selection, participant management, moderation and documentation of the Citizens' Debate Fair Taxation.

  • Climate Assembly Skopje

    nexus supports the conception, implementation and evaluation of a citizens' council in Skopje on air pollution.

  • Communication and participation formats for the Dresden Transport Authority (DVB)

    nexus designs and accompanies various communication and participation formats and processes in the context of the planning for the further development of public transport in Dresden.

  • Conception and implementation of five further training as part of the workshop series “Learning together” for the experience and consulting network Bürgerbeteiligung Sachsen (EBBS)

    Accessibility of citizen participation – in the sense of a wide concept of inclusion.

  • Development and piloting of the “Participation in border regions” programme

    On behalf of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the nexus Institute supports regions on the border with Germany's neighbouring countries in the development of cross-border citizen participation projects and structures.

  • Development of principles/guidelines for internal informal participation and support for informal participation activities in infrastructure projects of roads, bridges and waters (LSBG)

    nexus advises and supports the informal internal participation in the LSBG and the external participation of diverse target groups in infrastructure projects.

  • Dialogue process Tempelhofer Feld

    nexus is conducting the Tempelhofer Feld dialogue process on behalf of Tempelhof Projekt GmbH and the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing. The aim is to integrate the perspectives of 250 Berliners into the dialogue on the future of Tempelhofer Feld.

  • DIGITAL SCRUBS – Social implications and effects of context-sensitive, neuroergonomic human-machine interactions on team dynamics in networked operating rooms

    nexus is researching, developing and evaluating an interpersonal and multimodal attention assistance system for context-sensitive, neuroergonomic human-machine interaction in networked operating theatres for the first time.

  • Engagement of Stakeholders in the Design, Programming and Testing of an AI-powered Chatbot for Addiction Questions (Addiction GPT)

    nexus facilitates the participatory engagement of stakeholders from the addiction care community and those affected to ensure a suitable and data protection-compliant design of the chatbot.

  • Environmental Policy Dialogue

    In a dialogue process with citizens, nexus develops and tests innovative and target group-oriented address formats for people who tend to be sceptical about environmental policy.

  • Future Forum Göttingen 2024 – How should the city involve the people of Göttingen in the future?

    nexus is responsible for the organisation, support and moderation of a multi-stage participation process for the development of guidelines for citizen participation for the city of Göttingen.

  • Gender-sensitive urban planning: potential for sustainable and diverse cities

    On behalf of the BBSR, nexus is working together with UP19 Stadtforschung + Beratung as part of the "Experimental Housing and Urban Development" (ExWoSt) research programme on the study "Gender-equitable urban development: potential for sustainable and diverse cities".

  • idem – innovative and inclusive democratic spaces for deliberation and participation

    nexus is researching the challenges faced by people with disabilities in political participation processes. Together with ten other European partners, nexus is developing an AI-based voice assistant to facilitate the communicative participation of people with disabilities.

  • Interreg DREAM_PACE – Demand Responsive Transport in Central Europe

    nexus is conducting studies in the Baden-Württemberg area to strengthen the local on-demand transport structure.

  • MiGriS – Micro mobility grid solutions: Modular and circular battery and LEV systems

    nexus has been commissioned to realise the development of three pilots, including public relations work and user surveys.

  • Mobility2Grid research campus: Efficient and networked systems for the climate-neutral city

    nexus designs and implements innovative participation processes in the various areas of the M2G research campus and analyses the role of participation in transfer processes.

  • Municipal Climate Assemblies

    nexus designs two climate assemblies with randomly selected citizens in two partner cities.

  • New location for a forensic psychiatric clinic in Bad Cannstatt

    nexus designs and carries out the participation process “New location for a forensic psychiatric clinic in Bad Cannstatt” on behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration.

  • Pilot Implementation of a Non-Competitive Recognition Format “SynergisteN”

    nexus is conducting the pilot phase of a cooperative, non-competitive recognition format for sustainable, transformative projects at the municipal and regional levels on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency.

  • Process support and evaluation „GROW HAPPY NBG – growing up mentally healthy in the neighbourhood “

    nexus accompanies the project team in the planning and implementation process and evaluates the project GROW HAPPY NBG on behalf of the city of Nürnberg.

  • Project evaluation ‘Dialogue Forum Private Households 2.0’

    nexus designed and carried out a process and result evaluation of the project ‘Dialogue Forum Private Households 2.0’ on behalf of the Technical University of Berlin and in cooperation with C³ team.

  • SCALEDEM – Scaling democratic innovations

    nexus supports the implementation of the pilot projects. This includes the selection and introduction of innovative projects, the provision of a mentoring programme, the organisation of capacity building workshops and the evaluation of the results from the piloting.

  • Secure data traffic – everyday illustration of fundamental rights risks

    nexus researches how internet users and experts perceive the risks of data processing on the internet and develops data protection-compliant information dialogs.

  • TheaDiPOLIS – Theater participation for a digitally experienceable creation of the future polis

    nexus accompanies and evaluates the possibility of combining methods of autobiograph-ical-documentary theater with non-actors with interactive digital tools as a participation method in urban development projects.

  • Transformation in Small and Medium-Sized Cities: Mobility Patterns and Impacts on Environmental Quality and the Quality of Public Spaces

    On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), nexus is designing a 6-month test phase in which residents of a small town and a medium-sized town in central Germany will test mobility services as an alternative to their own car in their everyday lives.

Project archive

All nexus projects can be researched in the project archive.
The links and project homepages correspond to the status at the end of the project.

Participation process for the further development of the Black Forest National Park
Together with polidia GmbH, nexus is carrying out an accompanying public participation process for the further development of the park on behalf of the Black Forest National Park.

Citizens’ Forum “Crisis-proof Society” Baden-Württemberg
nexus organises and moderates the events, accompanies the participants and secures the results on behalf of the Landtag Baden-Württemberg.

Citizens’ workshops “5G and health”: risk perception of the population and possibilities of dialogue-oriented science communication
nexus conceives and organises four citizens’ workshops and one citizens’ ambassador workshop on behalf of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS).

Dialog for Cyber Security
nexus plans and organises the (civil) social dialogue with the Federal Office for Information Security.

Dialogue Forum Private Households – Reducing Food Waste
nexus evaluates the project “Dialogue Forum Private Households – Reducing Food Waste” on behalf of the TU.

Focus groups “Crisis-resistant society Baden-Württemberg”
nexus conducts focus groups with parents on behalf of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg.

Focus groups Wittenberge
nexus conducts focus groups on behalf of acatech (German Academy of Science and Engineering) and the Wittenberge town administration.

IMPACTS – Inclusive Mobility: Public and Collaborative Trusted Spaces
nexus accompanies the project and discusses the idea and findings in public through participatory formats.

Carnival of Cultures Berlin: Dialogue process for the development of a mission statement
nexus organises participation events on behalf of Karneval der Kulturen e.V.

Climate Assembly Neumünster
nexus conceives, organises and moderates the citizens’ assembly on behalf of the City of Neumünster.

Literature study: “Acceleration and deceleration effects of participation formats on energy transition infrastructure projects” for the Science Platform Climate Protection
nexus was commissioned with the study by the Science Platform for Climate Protection, which supports the German government in implementing climate protection measures.

Model project for the inclusion of families as a target group in measures to prevent overweight in children and adolescents
nexus conducts the accompanying evaluation in cooperation with the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin (Chair of Child Health) and the Technical University Berlin (Chair of Sustainable Nutrition).

Possibilities and limits of digital participation instruments for public participation in the site selection process (DigiBeST)
nexus evaluates and develops concepts and approaches for the digital public participation of young people in the search for a repository for radioactive radioactive waste.

Multi-stakeholder online survey Elbe-Elster Clinic
nexus develops and conducts a multi-stakeholder online survey on behalf of the Elbe-Elster Klinikum.

Participatory evaluation – movement and promotion of movement
The participatory evaluation movement and promotion of movement is intended to evaluate eight model projects, selected by Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, that promote physical activity.

Qualitative evaluation of the programme component “Child and Youth Participation in the Future Package
nexus is conducting a qualitative evaluation of child and youth participation projects, funded by the “Future Programme for Physical Activity, Culture and Health”, on behalf of the German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS).

Strengthening youth participation in the policy advice of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
nexus is developing a concept and a handout on behalf of the BMEL.

Göttingen Future Forum “The road is there for everyone – how can main roads be sensibly redesigned?”
nexus is conducting a future forum on the redesign of main roads on behalf of the City of Göttingen, using Weender Landstraße as an example.

Future of public participation against the background of decades of prolonged nuclear waste storage search
On behalf of the National Monitoring Committee, nexus examined and researched the extent to which a nuclear waste dump search, which reaching up to the 2040s, would influence the participation of citizens in the search for repository.

Active evaluation of the program “Green Up Your Future 2”
nexus is evaluating 27 experience-oriented bionics workcamps with young people on the topic of green jobs.

Berlin Climate Citizens’ Assembly
nexus designs the Berlin Climate Citizens’ Assembly on behalf of the SenUVK in which randomly selected Berlin residents will discuss climate policy.

Participation in a new tram line construction project in Berlin
nexus conducts participation events with stakeholders and citizens on six tram routes at different stages of planning.

Elbchaussee participation lottery
nexus is designing a so-called participation lottery for the planning and participation process for the replanning of the Elbchaussee on behalf of the State Office for Roads, Bridges and Waters (LSBG).

Participation process and public relations for the further development of the Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Program for the implementation period 2022 to 2026
On behalf of the Senate Department for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection, nexus is conducting a series of workshops with the specialist public and specialist departments, two specialist forums and two public online participations.

Citizens’ Advisory Assembly on Health in the District of Dachau
nexus accompanies and moderates the pilot project Citizens’ Advisory Assembly on Health of the Health Regionplus in the district of Dachau.

Citizens’ Assembly on Research
nexus conducts the Citizens’ Assembly for Research on behalf of the BMBF with ifok GmbH, the first German Citizens’ Assembly to be launched by a federal ministry.

Citizens’ Council on the search for a site for the Freedom and Unity Monument in Leipzig
nexus is conducting a Citizens’ Assembly with 40 randomly selected citizens on behalf of the Foundation Peaceful Revolution Leipzig.

Digital Commune – Digital Region: Socio-Cultural Impacts through Digitization and Artificial Intelligence
nexus erforscht die sozio-kulturellen Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung und Künstlichen Intelligenz in unterschiedlichen kommunalen Handlungsfeldern und stellt sie zur Diskussion.

Digital youth participation made easy
In the Erasmus+ project “DIGY – Digital Youth Participation Made Easy”, nexus is coordinating the development of an online learning platform for digital youth participation, which will be made available on the participation platform OPIN.

Installation of au sage monitoring system at the Großer Müggelsee
nexus führt ein Monitoring der Nutzungen am Großen Müggelsee durch. The surveys comprise the quantitative recording (incl. rule violations) of the usage behaviour as well as sound level measurements.

Evaluation Citizens’ Assembly Forum Corona Saxony
nexus conducts an accompanying, formative and summative evaluation on behalf of the Saxon State Ministry of Justice.

“Gendered Innovations”: Gender Diversity in Research Processes
nexus is developing a short-term training program with the Entain Foundation and the University of Excellence TU Berlin to promote diversity in the research and development processes.

Online Dialogue on the Future of the Airport Region for the Dialogue Forum BER
nexus conducts an online dialogue on the future of the Berlin-Brandenburg airport region on behalf of the Dialogforum BER.

Planning cells “PaketPost-Areal”
nexus conducts four planning cells on behalf of the City of Munich as well as the upstream kick-off event and the round table to identify topics.

Prevention report for the substitute funds
nexus designs and produces the first prevention report of the substitute health insurance funds for the years 2019-2021.

City committee ‘Digital Berlin’ – Support in the smart city model project: A smart Berlin worth living
nexus supports on behalf of the Technology Foundation Berlin in the Smart City model project “Berlin lebenswert smart” in the implementation of the city panel Digital Berlin.

Study on female participation in the Nationwide Computer Science Competitions (Bundesweite Informatikwettbewerbe)
nexus is conducting a study on behalf of the German National Computer Science Competitions (BWINF) on female participation in computer science competitions, which decreases with increasing age and in higher competition rounds.

Scientific evaluation of the transfer and development project STUDIUM HOCH E
nexus evaluates the transferability of a project on integration by involving students with a history of migration and international students.

Future Assembly Eberswalde
Together with complan Kommunalberatung, nexus has been commissioned with the conception, implementation and monitoring of the Future Assembly of the City of Eberswalde, which is being carried out as part of the state initiative “My City of the Future”.

Working Time Self-Determination in Digital Knowledge Work (DiWA)
nexus is conducting a study on new forms of working time self-determination in digitalised project worlds.

Public participation in the redesign of the Preußenpark in Berlin
nexus organises citizen participation to balance the interests of residents and visitors to the StreetFood market, so that the green spaces can be restored without destroying the colorful Thai market.

Citizen’s Forum Corona Baden-Württemberg
nexus accompanies and moderates the Citizen’s Forum Corona in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Citizens’ report on the planning cell for health care
in the future nexus conducts eight planning cells in four different cities in Germany (Bremen, Cottbus, Dortmund, Mannheim) on behalf of Gesundheit aktiv e.V.

Citizen’s Assembly Germany’s role in the world
nexus conducts the second Citizen’s Assembly in collaboration with ifok GmbH and Institute for Participatory Design, this time on Germany’s role in the world.

Citizen’s Assembly Climate 2021
nexus conducts the third Citizen’s Assembly in collaboration with ifok GmbH and the Institute for Participatory Design, this time on the topic of climate.

Dialog events on structural change in the Central German Region of Saxony-Anhalt
nexus accompanies and moderates five citizen dialogues with the state government and five expert workshops on the lignite phase-out.

nexus develops a toolbox for citizen participation in order to support the implementation of energy communities on selected Greek islands.

External evaluation of the conference Subfields
nexus evaluates public participation for the search for a repository within the framework of the specialist conference on sub-areas on behalf of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal (BASE).

Green and sustainable logistics of the future – developing a roadmap in South Africa
Using logistics as an example, nexus is developing an indicator system that will enable German companies to better assess the prospects of exporting environmentally friendly technologies.

Expert opinion “PartiCipate”
nexus supports the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the further development of a digital advisory platform for participation strategies.

HubIT – The HUB for boosting the Responsibility and inclusiveness of ICT enabled Research and Innovation through constructive interactions with SSH research
nexus is responsible for cooperation management within the framework of the large joint project funded by the EU Horizon 2020.

Communication and participation concept for the municipal working group Dialogue Forum Berlin-Brandenburg
nexus develops a strategic communication and participation concept for the Dialogue Forum Airport Berlin Brandenburg to strengthen the intermunicipal dialogue in the airport region.

Skeptics of mobility transition
Empirically, nexus is identifying obstacles and solutions in order to allow each citizen to contribute to the mobility transition.

Moderation of the Implementation Process of the Guidelines for Citizen Participation in the Departments of the Reinickendorf District Office
nexus and Planergemeinschaft für Stadt und Raum eG accompany two events and develop a goals paper.

Moderation and process design for the implementation process of the guidelines for citizen participation in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
nexus conducts two workshops with Planergemeinschaft für Stadt und Raum eG and develops a process design and a graphic on district participation structures.

Online participation in the “Strategic Framework for the Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region
nexus conducts two online dialogs on the “Strategic Overall Framework for the Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region” for the states of Brandenburg and Berlin via the participation platform meinBerlin.

Planning cells “Moving and breathing Bocholt
nexus is carrying out planning cells on behalf of the University of Wuppertal, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Institute for Democracy and Participation Research (IDPF).

Planungszellen „Verkehrswende erleben – Stadtraum mitgestalten“
nexus begleitet und moderiert für das interdisziplinäre Projekt, das vom WZB Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, paper planes e.V. und der Technischen Universität Berlin durchgeführt und von der Stiftung Mercator gefördert wird, zwei Planungszellen.

Qualitative study on communication culture in the German Wikipedia
nexus examines the communication culture in the German-language Wikipedia using narrative interviews.

Scientific research accompanying the “International Young Farmers’ Exchange Program” (IYFEP)
nexus evaluates the three-month exchange program of the Schorlem Foundation for German and Ugandan young farmers.

Future Council “School of Tomorrow”
Together with ifok GmbH, nexus conducts the nationwide Future School Council for the #wirfürschule initiative.

Citizen participation Karow
nexus is developing and implementing a participation concept to accompany the framework planning for the Karow district in Berlin-Pankow.

Distribut(e): Green neighbourhood supply chains for the city of tomorrow
n the Distribut(e) research project, sustainable business and rental models for local deliveries with electric delivery bikes are developed and tested in cooperation with residents and stakeholders from the two Berlin neighbourhoods Klausenerplatz-Kiez and Mierendorff-INSEL.

Development of an Engagement Strategy for Berlin
On behalf of Berliner Senatskanzlei, nexus is organizing a participatory process to develop a new engagement strategy for the state.

External monitoring of the dialogue “Pflege 2030”
nexus is evaluating 27 experience-oriented bionics workcamps with young people on the topic of green jobs.

International civil dialogue on autonomous driving
nexus has partnered up with Missions Publiques, a French participation institute, to organise citizen dialogue events in several German cities.

nexus conducts qualitative accompanying research to investigate how the coordination of main and voluntary work in rural areas can be improved using the co-production of mobility services as an example.

Online participation and focus groups on the results of the Enquete Commission on Artificial Intelligence
Together with Liquid Democracy e.V., nexus is developing a balanced concept for participation elements that complement the results of the Enquete Commission: Online participation offers the interested public the opportunity to comment on the results of the Enquete Commission.

Planning cell and citizen’s report on CO2 pricing
nexus is carrying out planning cells on behalf of the Technical University of Berlin as part of the research project “WindNODE – The Showcase for Intelligent Energy from the North East of Germany”.

Social-ecological transformation in Morocco and Africa
nexus is writing a memorandum for a participatory, sustainable and fair ecological transformation in Africa as part of the transformAfrica program, initiated by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Implementation concept for the guidelines for the participation of citizens in processes and projects of spatial urban development
nexus, together with Planergemeinschaft für Stadt und Raum eG, is supporting the development of a concept that will provide a framework for the implementation of the guidelines by the Berlin administration.

Scientific monitoring of the project “Hüben wie drüben?!”
nexus evaluates the project “Hüben wie drüben?!”, which is funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation, as a scientific accompanying research project.

Citizens’ dialogue on the future of the Internet
As a representative of Germany, nexus supports the global citizen dialogue on the future of the Internet.

Citizens’ Assembly for Democracy
A project team comprising Mehr Demokratie e.V., schöpflin Stiftung, nexus and IFOK carries out a civil society-based participation project based on the model of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly

Dialogue care 2030 – Kick-off event and “toolbox for dialogues”
nexus develops and organises a large kick-off event within the framework of the project and develops a “toolbox for dialogues” that enables diverse formats for very different target groups.

DoNotFear – A mobile application to increase perceived safety on local public transport
Using participative methods, nexus is ensuring that users are incorporated into the development of a mobile application for public transport.

Air passenger rights
nexus investigates how customer-friendly airlines provide information on flight status and passenger rights online and via telephone.

Innovation cluster for crafts sector in North Rhine-Westphalia
nexus evaluates a measure to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises in the craft sector to deal with digitisation, innovation and demographic change.

Institutionalisation of the social dialogue
Starting with the format “Denkwerkstatt”, the stakeholder dialogue on the topic of a secure information society will be continued and deepened.

“Jugend hackt Labs” – Evaluation of the pilot phase
nexus evaluates two pilot labs in the test phase of the “Jugend hackt Labs” project.

Concept on climate adaptation for the district Ostallgäu and the independent city Kaufbeuren
nexus is responsible for stakeholder participation in the development of a regional concept for dealing with climate change.

Communication concept dialogue care 2030
nexus develops and organises a large kick-off event within the framework of the project and develops a “toolbox for dialogues” that enables diverse formats for very different target groups.

Communication concept in the development of guidelines for the participation of citizens in urban development
nexus is developing a communication concept on behalf of the Berlin Senate with the goal of involving as many citizens as possible in the development of guidelines for citizen participation.

Guidelines for Citizen Participation in the Urban Development Processes
On behalf of Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen, nexus structures and moderates the development of guidelines for citizen participation.

Digital society – smart and safe (SuSi)
nexus is developing a “Charter for the Secure Information Society” for the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in exchange with relevant stakeholders.

EUth – Tools and Tipps for Mobile and Digital Youth Participation in and across Europe
nexus is coordinating a Europe-wide consortium to develop a platform for political youth participation in Europe within the framework of EU research funding.

Focus groups Families in small towns in peripheral locations
nexus involves young families in a strategy process for the future development of small towns in rural areas through focus group discussions.

Focus groups on the second update of the Urban Development Plan for Transport
On behalf of the Senate Department, nexus is taking on part of the public participation for the development of a model for the transport of the future.

Youth dialogue “Our climate! Our Future!” on the occasion of COP 23
nexus is organising a youth dialogue in parallel to the 23rd World Climate Conference (COP23), which will present its results at the World Climate Conference.

Climate-ready: joint resilience management by the city and the local economy
nexus is designing a process for municipalities, economic development agencies and small and medium-sized enterprises to adapt to climate change.

Local cultures of youth participation in rural areas
nexus provides scientific support for projects of the German Children and Youth Foundation.

Stadtentwicklungskonzept Migration und Teilhabe in Osnabrück
nexus unterstützt die Stadt Osnabrück bei der Erstellung eines Stadtentwicklungskonzepts.

TransformAfrica: Social-Ecological Transformation in Morocco and Africa
nexus moderates conferences and workshops of a project to support civil society initiatives and networks in Morocco and Africa in social-ecological transformation.

U_LOG: Sustainable Urban Logistics
nexus organises the citizen participation processes within the framework of a consortium that transports sustainable solutions for the transport of goods and goods in three large-scale cities in three large-scale cities.

Citizens’ buses Arzberg (district of Nordsachsen)
nexus supports the establishment of a citizens’ bus in the district of Nordsachsen.

Citizens’ report with planning cells on the development of the Munich region
nexus conducts planning cells on behalf of the Munich Regional Planning Association to develop recommendations for regional development.

Citizens’ report with planning cells on administrative, functional and territorial reform in Thuringia
nexus is conducting planning cells in the four planning regions of Thuringia on behalf of the state government in order to develop recommendations for a territorial reform that is acceptable to the citizens.

CivicBudget Plattform
Im Rahmen eines Konsortiums analysiert nexus die Nutzerbedürfnisse und Marktchancen für eine europaweite Informationsplattform zur Realisierung von Bürgerhaushalten.

Democracy labs
nexus supports the Open Knowledge Foundation in the further development of its workshop format “Democracy Labs” for young people through an accompanying analysis.

Dörpsmobil Schleswig-Holstein
nexus is developing a concept for the realisation of an electric car sharing service in rural areas.

Energy transition in the Barnim district
Using the example of the Barnim district, nexus is investigating how citizens can be involved in the energy transition at the municipal level.

Evaluation of the Hamburg Seniors’ Participation Act
nexus evaluates the Hamburg Seniors’ Participation Act with the involvement of the Seniors’ Advisory Councils and other interest groups and compares it with the experiences of other federal states.

Evaluation of the Thuringian Seniors’ Participation Act
nexus uses a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate the Thuringian Seniors’ Participation Act and makes recommendations for its amendment.

Research Agenda Sustainable Urban Mobility
In drei Fachworkshops mit Stakeholdern werden die wichtigsten Fragestellungen definiert und in einer Abschlusskonferenz zu einer Forschungsagenda zusammengeführt.

Concept development for a usage monitoring system for Berlin’s parks
nexus is developing a basic concept for visitor surveys that will be used in all of Berlin’s green spaces in the future.

LowExTra: Low-exergy train paths for storing and distributing heat
nexus coordinates citizen and expert participation in the development of an innovative district heating system and manages public relations.

Remunicipalisation: Employees’ and citizens’ interests in public water and electricity companies in Germany and France
nexus is compiling a catalogue of different forms of participation for citizens and employees on the basis of case studies at six public energy and water companies.

Synergies on the ground – analysis of municipal networks in child and youth work, open assistance for senior citizens or refugee assistance
nexus analyses networks of child and youth work, open work with senior citizens and refugee aid in five model municipalities.

Traffic Access Systems (VERS)
nexus is researching how the acceptance of RFID-based electronic ticket control can be increased among users.

Bürgerbusse Homberg (Efze)
nexus supports the North Hessian town of Homberg in setting up a citizens’ bus system.

Citizens’ buses Rhineland-Palatinate
nexus supports local initiatives and transport companies in setting up a citizens’ bus system in rural areas.

Citizens’ buses Schleswig-Holstein
nexus supports volunteer driving services and municipalities in setting up volunteer-operated community bus systems.

Citizens’ Forum on Space for Europe
Im Auftrag der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation (ESA) organisiert nexus ein Bürgerforum im Rahmen eines 22 Mitgliedsstaaten umfassenden Dialogs.

Citizens’ report with planning cells on the possible construction of a cable car in Wuppertal
nexus is conducting planning cells in the suspension railway city of Wuppertal, where citizens are discussing the construction of an additional cable car from the main railway station to Wuppertal-Cronenberg.

Citizen Science in der Ressortforschung des Umweltbundesamtes
nexus is developing a concept study on the closer involvement of the public in decision-making and problem-solving processes of science and politics.

Evaluation Ideenwettbewerb Advocate Europe
nexus evaluates a programme that gives start-up funding to civil society actors and recommends measures for further development.

Evaluation Future Craft Sector NRW
nexus is evaluating an initiative of the Chamber of Crafts in North Rhine-Westphalia.

nexus develops guidelines and a business model for a smart city platform on which citizens, authorities and service providers communicate.

With Siemens AG and other partners, nexus is developing an online platform and business models to strengthen mobility services in rural areas.

Im Auftrag der EU entwickelt nexus Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der Beteiligung von zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen an der EU-Sicherheitsforschung.

World Wide Views on Climate and Energy
nexus is organizing the German events as part of a global civil dialogue on climate change.

Growing older in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
nexus erarbeitet eine Grundlagenexpertise mit Handlungsempfehlungen für eine Landtags-Enquete- Kommission zum Thema “Bürgerschaftliches Engagement und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe”.

Work-time sovereignty of knowledge actors in project management
In a survey of project employees, nexus investigates how freely designed working time can enable a balance between effectiveness and privacy.

Consultation of the citizens’ dialogue within the framework of the government strategy of the Federal Government
nexus is developing a concept for the implementation of a broad citizens’ dialogue on the topic “Living well in Germany – what is important to us” on behalf of the Federal Chancellery.

Visitor monitoring of the Tempelhof park landscape
nexus is conducting visitor monitoring with focus group discussions to learn more about the use of Tempelhofer Feld.

Citizens’ opinions through planning cells in Planegg
nexus conducts planning cells in the municipality of Planegg to update the land use plan and future local development.

Evaluation of the Saxony-Anhalt Demography Funding Guideline
nexus evaluates the funding guideline on behalf of the state government and develops recommendations for further development.

nexus analysiert den Bedarf und entwickelt Nutzerszenarien für eine Smartphone-App, mit der raumbezogene Kurzbefragungen (“flash-polls”) zur Stadtentwicklung durchgeführt werden können.

Ideas Workshop “At Home in Tempelhof “
nexus conceives and moderates an ideas workshop for citizens in the Berlin district of Tempelhof-Schöneberg.

nexus supports the creation of cooperative structures of small network operators to minimise the threats to critical infrastructure.

Migrants as entrepreneurs
Im Auftrag des Berliner Integrationsbeauftragten untersucht nexus die ethnische Unternehmerszene und gibt Empfehlungen zur Förderung migrantischer Gründungen.

NEAR2 – Network for European-Asian Railway Research
nexus coordinates a network of actors for the integration of long-distance freight rail transport in the Asian economies.

Virtueller Begleiter
nexus analysiert den Bedarf und entwickelt Betriebs- und Geschäftsmodelle für einen seniorengerechten Ortungs-, Navigations- und Assistenzdienst mit mobilem Endgerät.

Biographies of returned entrepreneurs
Im Auftrag der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für die neuen Bundesländer werden biografische Porträts von Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten erstellt, die nach der Wende wieder im Osten investieren.

Evaluation „Youthpart“
nexus evaluates the impact of online-supported youth participation projects in municipalities.

Concept for citizen participation in Wolfsburg
nexus conducts citizens’ forums, youth forums and a citizens’ meeting in which the future structure of citizen participation in Wolfsburg is developed and subsequently decided in the city council.

Maps of the Uncertain
nexus develops an innovative graphic representation in which the areas of scientific non-knowledge in the field of crises and disasters are made visible.

nexus organises planning cells/citizens’ expert opinions on the intelligent energy and transport transition in urban neighbourhoods as part of the BMBF joint project “Future Campus”.

Park Landscape User Advisory Council
nexus moderates the discussion process on Tempelhofer Feld and organises two major events on the subject.

Planning cells for the development of the Tempelhofer Damm neighbourhood
nexus is conducting planning cells on behalf of the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment on the possible creation of a new urban residential quarter at Tempelhofer Damm.

nexus explores how social media can strengthen migrants’ connections to their countries of origin while opening up educational opportunities.

DELIKAT – Expert Dialogues DELIberative DemoCrATy: Analysis of participatory procedures for the transformation process
nexus examines the possibilities of further developing the current political system using new participation procedures in the field of environment.

Enhancing Societal Resilience (ESR)
Am Beispiel des besonders resilienten und im Krisenmanagement erfahrenen israelischen Gesellschaft entwickelt nexus ein Expertenaustauschsystem zum Umgang mit Terrorismus.

Evaluation of the ELTERN-AG
nexus is evaluating a primary prevention training for young families that aims to improve parents’ parenting skills and their self-help potential.

Hyderabad as a sustainable megacity
Together with civil society initiatives in the southern Indian metropolis of Hyderabad, nexus is developing projects and concepts for citizen participation on the topic of “low-emission lifestyles”.

Participation Tempelhofer Freiheit
nexus conducts citizens’ discussions on the development of Tempelhofer Feld and develops a medium-term participation strategy for the Senate Department.

Planning cells Wernigerode
nexus organises planning cells in which randomly selected citizens develop concepts for the future use of Wernigerode’s city centre.

Solidary city
nexus is analysing the importance of participation for cooperative approaches in establishing climate-relevant behaviour as part of a joint project.

nexus supports HafenCity University Hamburg in the development of a new Structure and Development Plan (STEP).

Young Cities – Developing Energy-Efficient Urban Fabric in the Tehran-Karaj Region
nexus develops forms of participation to promote sustainable behaviour among the population of fast-growing “megacities” in Iran.

Evaluation of the “Thüringer Agentur Für Fachkräftegewinnung” ThAFF
nexus evaluates the work of the Thüringer Agentur Für Fachkräftegewinnung (ThAFF) in order to optimise tasks and processes.

Evaluation of the “Eating Cult Tour” programme
nexus evaluates an action- and lifeworld-oriented concept of nutrition counselling for the Verbraucherzentrale NRW.

Governance und Partizipation in der Telangana Region
nexus is holding a “salon” for decision-makers in the Telangana region of southern India on the establishment of an independent state.

Youth with Perspectives – Future Opportunities in East Germany through Work and Training
nexus is running a competition in which East German young people confidently engage with their regional living environment.

PRACTIS – Privacy-Appraising Challenges to Technologies and Ethics
nexus is involved in an EU project that is investigating the impact of new technologies on privacy and the resulting new ethical requirements.

Regionale Daseinsvorsorge – ausländische Erfahrungen
nexus erarbeitet eine europäisch vergleichende Begleitstudie im Rahmen des Bundes Modellvorhabens “Aktionsprogramm regionale Daseinsvorsorge”.

Role of companies in citizen participation processes
On behalf of Veolia Environnement, nexus surveys municipalities across Germany on the involvement of companies in participation processes and their acceptance.

Engagement potential in Thuringia
Für die Thüringer Ehrenamtsstiftung entwickelt nexus auf sozialwissenschaftlicher Grundlage Ansatzpunkte für eine Weiterentwicklung der Förderung des Ehrenamts.

Diversity training for employees and managers of the Berlin administration
nexus designs a training programme that empowers employees to deal with sexual diversity appropriately and proactively.

Foresight of Evolving Security Threats Posed by Emerging Technologies (FESTOS)
nexus organises scenario workshops that enable the possible dangers of future technologies and targeted prevention.

Evaluation of the Return- and Immigration-Network
nexus evaluates the effectiveness of the Return- and Immigration-Network, a transnational association of return initiatives in eastern Germany.

Evaluation model programme “Erste Schwelle”
nexus is evaluating a programme run by independent youth work organisations for young people in eastern Germany who have difficulties finding a training place or a job.

Evaluation of the State Programme of the Free State of Saxony to Promote Measures for Coping with Demographic Change
Im Auftrag der Sächsischen Staatsregierung erarbeitet nexus Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung des Landesprogramms und zur Optimierung der Förderstrategien.

Expert opinion on the Berlin Seniors’ Participation Act
nexus assesses the origins, objectives and implementation of the Participation Act as a basis for amendment.

Guide to Demographic Change for the Free State of Saxony
nexus is developing a practical guide for the Free State of Saxony on how to deal with demographic change at the municipal level.

Modernisierungstrends im Petitionswesen bei den europäischen Parlamenten
Im Auftrag des Deutschen Bundestags begutachtet nexus das Petitionsverfahren und die dafür genutzten IT-Verfahren in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern.

Contest: “Sowing Ideas – Reaping the Future
nexus conceives and accompanies a competition for young people to shape rural areas as attractive regions of the future.

Alte Bedrohungen, neue Kanäle – Terrorismus im Internet
Im Auftrag der NATO organisiert nexus zwei internationale Expertenkonferenzen und wertet die Ergebnisse aus.

Generationenkolleg. Alt und Jung im Handwerk.
Für den Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks baut nexus ein Forum auf, in dem die Weitergabe von Erfahrungswissen aus der älteren an die jüngere Generation systematisch ermöglicht wird.

Ideenwettbewerb “Visionen für Regionen” 2008
nexus organisiert einen Wettbewerb zur demokratischen Jugendbeteiligung in Ostdeutschland.

Junge Alte in der Mitte der Gesellschaft
In zwei Kleinstädten, die besonders vom demografischen Wandel betroffen sind, konzipiert und erprobt nexus neue Formen für bürgerschaftliches Engagement Älterer.

Kreativ-Workshop Nachhaltiger Konsum
Für den Rat für nachhaltige Entwicklung organisiert nexus einen Kreativworkshop, der neue Handlungsmuster und Geschäftschancen für nachhaltigen Konsum erarbeitet.

Kurzplanungszellen zur Gestaltung des öffentlichen Raumes durch ältere Menschen
In zwei ostdeutschen Kleinstädten führt nexus Workshops durch, in denen zufällig ausgewählte Teilnehmer Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten älterer Menschen am Gemeinwesen weiterentwickeln.

Sekundäranalyse Zivilgesellschaft und Rechtsextremismus in strukturschwachen ländlichen Räumen
nexus untersucht für das Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement die Strukturen des Rechtsextremismus im strukturschwachen ländlichen Raum und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen.

Technologie-Salon zur Zukunft der RFID-Technologie
nexus veranstaltet im Auftrag der Metro AG einen „Salon“ für Stakeholder zum kreativen Austausch über politische Rahmenbedingungen und neue Marktchancen.

Wahrnehmung und Bewertung der deutschen Einheit
Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung analysiert nexus Diskurse zur deutschen Einheit und zum Aufbau Ost.

Europäische Vorbilder für Kundendienst und Fahrgastrechte in Deutschland
nexus erarbeitet Empfehlungen für die Weiterentwicklung der deutschen Fahrgastrechte auf Basis positiver Beispiele aus anderen europäischen Ländern.

Jugendprogramm “Brandenburg – Das bist du uns wert”
Ein Jugendwettbewerb fördert die Identifikation von Jugendlichen mit ihrer Region und mit demokratischen Werten.

nexus evaluiert ein Modellprojekt, das technische und naturwissenschaftliche Inhalte in Bildungs- und Freizeitangebote der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe integriert.

Kulturtourismus im deutsch-niederländischen Kulturraum Niederrhein
nexus erarbeitet eine Marketingstudie zur Verankerung des euregionalen Musikfestivals “Muziek Biennale Niederrhein” im deutsch-niederländischen Kulturraum.

Ländliche Lebensmodelle für junge Menschen und Familien
nexus entwickelt Modelle zur nachhaltigen Bevölkerungsentwicklung im ländlichen Raum Sachsen- Anhalts und konkretisiert sie in Handlungsstrategien.

Planungszellen in Rheinland-Pfalz
nexus organisiert sechs Planungszellen in drei Städten, in denen zufällig ausgewählte Bürgerinnen und Bürger Empfehlungen für die Kommunal- und Verwaltungsreform erarbeiten.

Sozialraumorientierung im Caritasverband
nexus führt die wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung für neue Verfahren der Sozialraumorientierung im Caritasdiözesanverband Magdeburg durch.

Aufbau einer Fahrgastvertretung PTUC Wales
nexus berät die Regionalregierung von Wales (UK) bei der Einrichtung einer Interessenvertretung für die Kunden des öffentlichen Personenverkehrs “Public Transport Users Committee”.

Ausstellung “neustart”
nexus konzipiert und realisiert einzelne Themeneinheiten einer Ausstellung des Deutschen Technikmuseums Berlin zum Thema (Auto-)Mobilität und bringt dabei partizipative Elemente ein.

BUSREP: Strategies for Better User Representation in urban public transport
nexus vergleicht die Strategien zur Vertretung von Fahrgastrechten in zehn europäischen Ländern.

ELOST – E-government for LOw Socio-economic sTatus groups
nexus erarbeitet im Auftrag der Europäischen Union Rahmenbedingungen, wie online-basierte Mitwirkung für Menschen mit niedrigem sozialen Status ermöglicht werden kann.

Energieland Lausitz
nexus kuratiert eine Ausstellung zur Entwicklung der Braunkohletechnologie in der Lausitz und ergänzt sie mit einer Bürgerausstellung zur Regionalgeschichte.

Headquarters. Imaginary Constructs of Home
Die Künstlergruppe Adapter und Wissenschaftler des nexus Instituts untersuchen, wie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Bildenden Künstlern produktiv werden kann.

Ideenwettbewerb “Visionen für Regionen” 2007
nexus organisiert einen Wettbewerb zur demokratischen Jugendbeteiligung in Ostdeutschland.

INA: Innovative Verkehrsangebote für die Region
nexus entwickelt ein Verfahren zur Genese und Bewertung von Innovationen des ÖPNV in ländlichen Regionen.

mobikult: Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Mobilitätskultur in ländlichen Regionen Brandenburgs
nexus entwickelt im Auftrag des Wirtschaftsraums Schraden (Brandenburg) ein Konzept für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätskultur und erprobt es in Modellprojekten.

Partizipative Kommune – Kooperationsnetze und Bürgerschaftliches Engagement als Erfolgsfaktoren für ostdeutsche Kommunen
Am Beispiel von zwei Modellkommunen untersucht nexus, welchen Beitrag Bürgerengagement zur kommunalen Entwicklung leistet.

Petitionswesen im internationalen Vergleich
nexus erarbeitet ein Gutachten zum Petitionswesen für das Büro für Technikfolgenabschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag.

Planungszellen in Berlin und Budapest im Rahmen der European Citizens’ Consultations
nexus organisiert Planungszellen, in denen Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus drei europäischen Staaten Empfehlungen für die Weiterentwicklung der Europäischen Union geben.

Arbeitsformen und -strukturen inter- und transdisziplinärer Forschungsverbünde und -projekte
nexus untersucht die Bedingungen für produktive Zusammenarbeit.

Bitte einsteigen
nexus entwickelt im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung ein interaktives Veranstaltungskonzept im urbanen Raum.

nexus analysiert die bestehenden Standards im Beschwerdemanagement der europäischen Verkehrsdienste.

Familienfreundliche Hochschule
An den Hochschulen Magdeburg und Greifswald entwickelt nexus exemplarisch familienfreundliche Maßnahmen und begleitet die Umsetzung.

Generationenwechselmanagement in Sachsen-Anhalt
nexus befragt regionale Firmen zur Unternehmensnachfolge und entwickelt für die Landesregierung Sachsen-Anhalt Maßnahmen zur Vorbereitung von Betriebsübergängen.

Im Auftrag des DFG-Sonderforschungsbereichs “Reflexive Modernisierung” erstellt nexus einen Bericht zu Mobilitätstheorien und Mobilitätsverhalten.

Pluralisierung des Arbeitsbegriffs
nexus entwickelt im Rahmen des Ideenwettbewerbs “Zukunftsfähige Arbeitsforschung” des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) ein Konzept.

Rückwanderung – dynamischer Faktor für ostdeutsche Städte
Für die Stadt Magdeburg entwickelt nexus ein Konzept zur Förderung von Rückwanderung junger Menschen und verschickt „Heimatschachteln“ an Abgewanderte.

Unternehmensnetzwerk Technologieorientierte Dienstleistungen und Produkte im Wirtschaftsraum Schraden
nexus baut das Netzwerk auf und unterstützt Unternehmen der Region bei der Projektentwicklung.

Neue Ansätze zur Qualitätssicherung nicht numerischer Informationen im Rahmen von Wissensmanagement
nexus vermittelt durch eine Literaturrecherche und ein Forschungskonzept Impulse aus der Sozialwissenschaft für die Verbesserung der der Qualitätssicherung.

nexus entwickelt Strategien für Raumpartnerschaften und regionale Entwicklung für fünf europäische Regionen im südlichen Ostseeraum.

Forschungs-Informations-System für das BMVBW (FIS)
nexus koordiniert die Partner bei der Erarbeitung eines Informationssystems für die Politik und strukturiert die Wissensbestände inhaltlich.

Heimat ist cool
nexus evaluiert das Jugendbeteiligungsprojekt „Zeitensprünge“, das die Verbundenheit von jungen Menschen mit ihrer ostdeutschen Heimat stärken soll.

Nachhaltigkeit und Verbraucherpolitik: Ansatze und Maßnahmen in anderen Ländern
Im Auftrag des Bundeslandwirtschaftsministeriums untersucht nexus Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte international vergleichend.

SEMMERING Projekt – Gestaltung der Europäischen Forschungslandschaft: Wissenschaftspolitik für ein erweitertes Europa
nexus wirkt an Expertenforen zur Weiterentwicklung der europäischen Wissenschaftspolitik mit.

Urban Catalysts – Temporäre Nutzung von städtischen Brachflächen
nexus vergleicht unterschiedliche Strategien zur temporären Nutzung urbaner Räume in fünf europäischen Ländern.

Virtueller Marktplatz
Im Auftrag des Verkehrsverbunds Berlin-Brandenburg entwickelt nexus ein Konzept zur Verbindung von Mobilitäts- und Marketing-Plattformen für regionale Produkte im Internet.

Vision Sachsen-Anhalt 20-xx – Zukunftsperspektiven für nachhaltiges staatliches Handeln
nexus organisiert einen „Salon“, in dem hochrangige Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Entwürfe für kurz- und langfristiges politisches Handeln in Sachsen-Anhalt entwickeln.

nexus koordiniert ein EU-Projekt zur Erstellung einer Wissenslandkarte, die den gegenwärtigen Stand der jeweiligen nationalen Strategien für wasserwirtschaftliche Organisationsformen abbildet.

Eventverkehr: An- und Abreise als Teil des Events
Am Beispiel der Internationalen Gartenbauausstellung (IGA) Rostock 2003 entwickelt und erprobt nexus ein Konzept zur attraktiven Gestaltung der umweltfreundlichen An- und Abreise.

Linde Corporate Heritage
nexus erarbeitet eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Unternehmensgeschichte der Firma Linde.

IMPULS 2005 – neue Gemeinschaftsverkehre in der Region
nexus sorgt für die Einbindung der regionalen Akteure bei der Entwicklung eines integrierten Systems des Gemeinschaftsverkehrs in den Brandenburger Landkreisen Barnim, Oberhavel und Uckermark.

nexus untersucht Möglichkeiten gemeinschaftlich organisierter Verkehrsmodelle im strukturschwachen Raum Brandenburgs.

Leitbildgestütztes Organisationslernen
Zusammen mit dem Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin erarbeitet nexus ein Wissensmanagement-Konzept für das Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft.

Neue Seniorendienstleistungen
nexus konzipiert neue, aussichtsreiche Dienstleistungen für Senioren für die Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. Regionalverband Köln.

Drehscheibe Wasser
nexus unterstützt die Gemeinde Neuenhagen bei Berlin bei der Information ihrer Einwohner über die Möglichkeiten der Regenwassernutzung.

Zukunft der Gesellschaft und der Politik
nexus untersucht im Auftrag der Hans Böckler Stiftung Perspektiven für die Weiterentwicklung von Demokratie, Partizipation und Governance.

Bürgergutachten: Planungszelle im Quartier Magdeburger Platz
Im Berliner Bezirk Tiergarten organisiert nexus Planungszellen, in denen Bürgerinnen und Bürger Vorschläge für die Quartiersentwicklung entwickeln.

Bürgergutachten: Planungszelle im Quartier Sparrplatz

Im Berliner Bezirk Wedding organisiert nexus Planungszellen, in denen Bürgerinnen und Bürger Vorschläge für die Quartiersentwicklung entwickeln.

School goes Society
An der Martin-Buber-Oberschule Berlin baut nexus ein Informationspool zum Thema Umweltschutz auf und macht es online verfügbar.

nexus entwickelt ein Online-Tool und Schulungsprogramme zur Auswertung qualitativer Daten.

Internet Governance
nexus untersucht die Governance-Strukturen im Domainnamensystem (DNS) und die Rolle der Nutzer in der Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) empirisch.