Public interest in new security technologies is growing. Examples are biometric ID cards, monitoring and evaluation of electronic media or drones with mini cameras. This technology goes far beyond points such as privacy and data protection. It leads to central questions in a maximum security society: What is feasible, what is legitimate and what is necessary? The main goal of the SecurePART project is to involve civil society organisations in EU security research more than before. nexus is working together with the European project partners on a strategy and action plan to improve participation opportunities for civil society organisations (CSOs) in EU security research. The existing opportunities for the participation of CSOs are limited.
They mostly amount to an advisory or observer function. There is a lack of structured participation of these organisations in policy making and implementation at national and European level. After analysing the status quo, the ZGOs are supported to improve their internal structures. They will learn to deal with the growing complexity of security research. Finally, the ZGOs are to be better integrated into already existing networks. The project is funded within the framework of European security research from the 7th EU Research Framework Programme.
Duration: 05/2014 – 05/2016
European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (FP7)
Team: Christoph Henseler (Projektleitung), Frank Balzer
Project partner:
Bantec Group (SP)
vdlconsult (DE)
The European Network of National Civil Society Associations (BE)
Goethe Universität Frankfurt (DE)
University of Salford (UK)
Loba (PT)
The project website is available at