Environmental and sustainability policy in Germany strives for profound changes in society and lifestyles that require the consent and participation of the entire population. However, such transformation efforts and the accompanying science-based dialogues as well as participation processes are sometimes met with scepticism and rejection.

This is where the project “Environmental Policy in Dialogue” comes in and aims to show possibilities for the environmental ministry to deal confidently with citizens and their possibly critical attitudes towards environmental policy within the framework of citizen participation procedures.

Within the research project, nexus develops and tests innovative and target group-oriented participation and communication strategies for people who are sceptical about environmental policy in a joint dialogue process with citizens.

In a Design Thinking Workshop with randomly drawn citizens, innovative formats are developed that are designed for communication with groups that have hardly been present in dialogues on environmental policy so far. Experience has shown that many people are not reached by conventional methods such as invitations by mail or public calls for participation. We will develop ideas for getting in contact with our target groups, suitable media and forms of communication in order to enter into an authentic dialogue about environmental and sustainability policy.

Laufzeit: 07/2022 – 03/2025
Auftraggeber: Umweltbundesamt, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV)
Mitarbeiter:innen: Dr. Christine von Blanckenburg (Projektleitung), Ansgar Düben, Felix Schürhoff, Uta Zetek
Projektpartner: adelphi research, FU Berlin, sociodimensions, Con-Policy

Foto: Andreas Gruhl– stock.adobe.com