In the city of Osnabrück, about 30% of the inhabitants currently have a migration background. This shapes the city and requires urban development to involve the group of immigrants in the design of future concepts. Within the framework of the pilot project of the National Urban Development Policy “Design Your City”, this has been actively addressed since last year. In the development of the urban development concept “Migration and Participation”, as many groups as possible are to be involved in the discussion of strategic goals for a liveable Osnabrück. In the process, the urban development goals are to be validated and further developed into concrete approaches under the premise of participation and equal opportunities. The nexus Institute supports the city of Osnabrück in the preparation of the urban development concept with the implementation of five outreach participation formats (four focus groups, one workshop), in which relevant questions, for example on the topics of housing, education and social coexistence, are to be discussed. Subsequently, nexus will formulate a template for the Osnabrück urban development concept based on the results from the events.
Duration: 06/2018 – 12/2018
Client: Stadt Osnabrück, Strategische Stadtentwicklung und Statistik (010-4)
Team: Dr. Angela Jain (Project manager), Nicolas Bach, Ina Metzner
Graphic: City of Osnabrück, Fachdienst Geodaten, Jürgen Uffmann