In 2016, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) clearly committed itself to quality citizen participation in research policy and research with its policy paper on participation. With the development of a participation strategy, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research now wants to specify how participation can be further strengthened in this area.
Around 50 citizens will discuss this question in the total of 7 meetings from the end of November 2021 to March 2022. The citizens’ council includes representatives from the city and the countryside, young and old people, university graduates and non-academics. Their different perspectives are incorporated into the development of concrete, practical recommendations for action for policymakers and academics. These will be summarised in the citizens’ report and submitted to the BMBF as part of the Year of Science 2022 – Inquired! handed over and presented to the public.
Together with ifok GmbH nexus conceives and moderates the Citizens’ Council for Research.
Duration: 09/2021 – 05/2022
Client: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Team: Dr. Christine von Blanckenburg (Project management), Eike Biermann, PD Dr. Gordian Haas, Zora Ott, Felix Schürhoff, Amy Winkler
Project partner: ifok GmbH
Logo: BMBF