Where should the city of Göttingen be heading? Under the title “Göttingen Future Forum”, the city is testing a new format of citizen participation in spring 2023. With 30 randomly selected Göttingen citizens, the topic “The street is there for everyone – How can main roads be redesigned in a sensible way?” will be discussed. This question will be discussed using the example of Weender Landstraße, which is to be redesigned in the next few years. On four Saturdays in spring 2023, the participants of the Future Forum will discuss this together and develop recommendations on behalf of the people in the city on how major main roads can be redesigned. The report that is developed will then be taken into account by the administration and the city council in future planning and decisions and will serve as a guideline. It is important for the Göttingen Future Forum that as many different people as possible take part so that diverse perspectives can be taken into account. To this end, care is taken to represent the Göttingen population as well as possible.
Within the Future Forum, the following questions, among others, will be discussed: How can space on major roads be distributed more equitably? What interests need to be taken into account? What changes could be made to improve the quality of life for the people who use the road space on a daily basis and for the residents? The aim of the Future Forum is to find joint solutions to such future questions in an exchange at eye level.
Duration: 10/2022 – 06/2023
Client: City of Göttingen
Team: Dr. Christine von Blanckenburg (Project manager), Eike Biermann, Timon Rüdisser, Carlo Thomsen
Foto: Stadt Göttingen / Michael Mehle