Digital youth participation helps young people become active citizens. However, the positive effects only unfold when the participation process is professionally planned and implemented – the use of digital platforms and tools alone is not enough to ensure successful participation of young people. Unfortunately, interested initiators often lack the experience, personnel and financial resources to implement a successful e-Participation project. The Erasmus+ project “DIGY – Digital Youth Participation Made Easy” aims to address this problem by developing qualification offers and online trainings. The developed learning materials will be integrated on the digital youth participation platform OPIN.
The aim is to strengthen and enrich the Europe-wide infrastructure for digital youth participation through the following modules:
- a lively community of project initiators for peer-to-peer exchange (“Opin Community and Forum”);
- high-quality e-learning materials and trainings, guidelines, tips and podcasts;
- selected and implementable best practice examples (“Best Practice Living Lab”);
- Optimization of OPIN’s navigation and user interface to ensure easy configuration of the platform.
The project is implemented by a consortium of 7 European partner organizations.
Client: EU-Programm Erasmus+ JUGEND IN AKTION, Nationale Agentur: JUGEND für Europa
Duration: 09/2019 – 08/2022
Team: Kerstin Franzl (Projektleitung), Eva Shephard
Project partner: Agenzija Zghazagh (Malta), Coalition of Youth Organisations – SEGA (Nord Mazedonien), Creativitas (Litauen), Heart of Slovenia (Slovenien), Liquid Democracy (Deutschland), Youth Horizons (Georgien)
Graphic: Creativitas