The substitute health insurance funds implement prevention and health promotion services nationwide in accordance with § 20 SGB V and § 5 SGB XI. Under the umbrella brand “Healthy Living Environments”, they bundle their commitment to strengthening equal health opportunities at the vdek and combine various activities with a focus on target groups with a special need for prevention and health promotion. The nexus Institute and the C3 team will present this extensive commitment of the substitute health insurance funds and the vdek in a prevention report. The C3 team will thoroughly sift through, analyse and describe the data specific to the substitute health insurance funds from the survey of the joint prevention report of the statutory health and long-term care insurance funds and supplement it with qualitative data to create an overall report.
Duration: 07/2022 – 12/2022
Client: Verband der Ersatzkassen e. V. (vdek)
Team: Tzvetina Arsova Netzelmann (Project manager), Dr. Barbara Wagner (Deputy project manager), Dr. Katja Aue, Dr. Carina Brumme
Project partner: C3 team GbR