Social media have become an integral part of daily life for large parts of the population. The project investigated two fields of use that have not yet been analysed very much and explored possible synergies in a practical way. Social media make it easier for migrants to stay in touch with their homeland. Furthermore, migrants can get in touch more easily with other people also living in the diaspora. At the same time, the importance of social media in teaching is increasing. The networks support hybrid learning settings. This is where the project started: To what extent do diasporas currently use social media for learning, teaching and research? Building on this, the second step was to ask how social media can be used in online teaching to establish transnational teaching and learning relationships. The question was investigated with mutual analyses of migrant groups at the universities of the international project partners. nexus was in charge of designing the project and supported the investigation with the case study of the Turkish diaspora in Germany.

Duration: 10/2012 – 09/2014
Client: Programm ERA-NET
Christoph Henseler
Project partner:
Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (ZTG), Technische Universität Berlin
Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften – Center for New Learning (CNL)
Ankara University- Faculty of Informatics, Distance Education Center
Perm State University – Political Science Department