The object of the study was to develop recommendations for action to promote ethnic entrepreneurship in Berlin. These focus primarily on recognising and utilising specific opportunities and strengths of founders and entrepreneurs with a migration background. The literature describes this approach as “Opportunity Recognition” (OR). Ethnic origin, tradition and perspective are interpreted as important and often decisive resources. They are used for business concepts, business models and strategies. The study linked findings from ethnic entrepreneurship research with the results of the opportunity recognition approach. The study worked out exemplarily how business start-up activities of migrants in Berlin can be better promoted. It also aimed to broaden the understanding of ethnic entrepreneurship and stimulate the discourse around integration and the labour market.
Duration: 11/2014 – 03/2015
Client: Der Beauftragte des Senats von Berlin für Integration und Migration
Team: Dr. Angela Jain, Dr. Kerstin Lücker, Sabine Schröder