The SID project addresses the challenge of providing internet users with easy-to-understand information about the risks of data processing. Specifically, it deals with fundamental rights risks that are potentially associated with certain forms of data processing in the context of personalized content on the internet. The consortium brings together perspectives from research, UX design, data protection authorities, and the digital economy and aims to develop consumer-friendly and legally compliant solutions. To this end, the consortium partners are involved in a co-productive and transdisciplinary process in the socio-scientific investigation of lay and expert perspectives on the risks of processing personal data and analyse currently widespread data processing practices on a technical level. They develop risk representations on this knowledge base, which are then transferred into information dialogs. These are then iteratively tested and further developed together with users while being checked for their effectiveness. The aim is to provide GDPR-compliant information to internet users or, in other words, data subjects. They are to be informed effectively – that is, through intelligible and clear text and visual language – about the risks of data processing for the protection of their fundamental rights.
Duration 10/2023 – 10/2026
Funding organisation:
Mitarbeiter:innen: Dr. Daniel Guagnin (Projektleitung), Claudio Altenhain, Gesa Feldhusen, Volkan Sayman
Consortium partners: nexus Institut für Kooperationsmanagement und interdisziplinäre Forschung, Humbold-Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft, Usercentrics, Law & Innovation
Picture: Artusius –