Multi-stakeholder online survey Elbe-Elster Clinic
nexus develops and conducts a multi-stakeholder online survey on behalf of the Elbe-Elster Klinikum.
nexus develops and conducts a multi-stakeholder online survey on behalf of the Elbe-Elster Klinikum.
nexus is supporting the Structural Change in the Central German Coalfields Department, State Chancellery and Ministry of Culture of Saxony-Anhalt in setting up a citizens' advisory council.
On behalf of the Dresden State Art Collections, nexus holds a forum with randomly selected citizens to democratize the museum.
On behalf of the Bundeskunsthalle, nexus organizes a social forum for the democratization of the museum.
A project team comprising Mehr Demokratie e.V., schöpflin Stiftung, nexus and IFOK carries out a civil society-based participation project based on the model of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly
nexus conducts citizens' discussions on the development of Tempelhofer Feld and develops a medium-term participation strategy for the Senate Department.
nexus moderates the discussion process on Tempelhofer Feld and organises two major events on the subject.
nexus is conducting visitor monitoring with focus group discussions to learn more about the use of Tempelhofer Feld.
nexus conceives and moderates an ideas workshop for citizens in the Berlin district of Tempelhof-Schöneberg.
nexus is developing a basic concept for visitor surveys that will be used in all of Berlin's green spaces in the future.