MiGriS – Micro mobility grid solutions: Modular and circular battery and LEV systems
nexus has been commissioned to realise the development of three pilots, including public relations work and user surveys.
nexus has been commissioned to realise the development of three pilots, including public relations work and user surveys.
On behalf of the Senate Chancellery, nexus is carrying out a Berlin-wide participation (real participation and online participation) on the design of public WLAN in Berlin.
nexus is conducting the Tempelhofer Feld dialogue process on behalf of Tempelhof Projekt GmbH and the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing. The aim is to integrate the perspectives of 250 Berliners into the dialogue on the future of Tempelhofer Feld.
nexus advises and supports the informal internal participation in the LSBG and the external participation of diverse target groups in infrastructure projects.
nexus is designing the Berlin Climate Citizens' Assembly on behalf of SenUVK, in which randomly selected Berlin residents discuss climate policy.
nexus accompanies and evaluates the possibility of combining methods of autobiograph-ical-documentary theater with non-actors with interactive digital tools as a participation method in urban development projects.
On behalf of the BBSR, nexus is working together with UP19 Stadtforschung + Beratung as part of the "Experimental Housing and Urban Development" (ExWoSt) research programme on the study "Gender-equitable urban development: potential for sustainable and diverse cities".
nexus conducts citizens' discussions on the development of Tempelhofer Feld and develops a medium-term participation strategy for the Senate Department.
nexus moderates the discussion process on Tempelhofer Feld and organises two major events on the subject.
nexus is conducting visitor monitoring with focus group discussions to learn more about the use of Tempelhofer Feld.