Scientific monitoring with the focus on “Local cultures of youth participation in rural areas”.
nexus provides scientific support for projects of the German Children and Youth Foundation.
nexus provides scientific support for projects of the German Children and Youth Foundation.
nexus organises scenario workshops that enable the possible dangers of future technologies and targeted prevention.
nexus explores how social media can strengthen migrants' connections to their countries of origin while opening up educational opportunities.
nexus analyses the need and develops user scenarios for a smartphone app that can be used to carry out spatial short surveys ("flash-polls") on urban development.
As part of a consortium, nexus is analysing the user needs and market opportunities for a Europe-wide information platform for the realisation of participatory budgeting.
nexus is developing ways to improve the participation of civil society organisations in EU security research on behalf of the EU.
nexus was commissioned with the study by the Science Platform for Climate Protection, which supports the German government in implementing climate protection measures.
nexus investigates living conditions in different regions of Germany for the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community.
nexus designs and implements innovative participation processes in the various areas of the M2G research campus and analyses the role of participation in transfer processes.
nexus, together with Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, is accompanying the projects funded by the BMBF’s (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) research agenda “Sustainable Urban Mobility”.