MiGriS – Micro mobility grid solutions: Modular and circular battery and LEV systems
nexus has been commissioned to realise the development of three pilots, including public relations work and user surveys.
nexus has been commissioned to realise the development of three pilots, including public relations work and user surveys.
nexus facilitates the participatory engagement of stakeholders from the addiction care community and those affected to ensure a suitable and data protection-compliant design of the chatbot.
nexus designs and carries out the participation process “New location for a forensic psychiatric clinic in Bad Cannstatt” on behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration.
nexus has been commissioned by the Frauenkirche Foundation to design and organise a citizens' council with randomly selected Dresden citizens on the topic of “Peace City Dresden”.
nexus supports the implementation of the pilot projects. This includes the selection and introduction of innovative projects, the provision of a mentoring programme, the organisation of capacity building workshops and the evaluation of the results from the piloting.
nexus designed and carried out a process and result evaluation of the project ‘Dialogue Forum Private Households 2.0’ on behalf of the Technical University of Berlin and in cooperation with C³ team.
nexus is responsible for the organisation, support and moderation of a multi-stage participation process for the development of guidelines for citizen participation for the city of Göttingen.
nexus gestaltet im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) eine Zukunftswerkstatt zur Entwicklung von strategischen Politikansätzen im Themenfeld der Kindertagesbetreuung für Kinder bis zum Schuleintritt sowie der Ganztagsbetreuung von Kindern im Grundschulalter.
nexus designs two climate assemblies with randomly selected citizens in two partner cities.
On behalf of the Senate Chancellery, nexus is carrying out a Berlin-wide participation (real participation and online participation) on the design of public WLAN in Berlin.