ACTIon project formulates first policy recommendations
Erasmus+ ACTIon project partners from five countries met for the third time at the international meeting in Athens facilitated by the coordinator nexus and hosted by the Greek partner [...]
Erasmus+ ACTIon project partners from five countries met for the third time at the international meeting in Athens facilitated by the coordinator nexus and hosted by the Greek partner [...]
We at ACTIon aim to improve social inclusion through the strengthening of the digital citizenship of youth as well as youth participation in policy-making. In Germany, the inclusion of youth [...]
We at ACTIon aim to improve social inclusion through the strengthening of the digital citizenship of youth as well as youth participation in policy-making. In Germany, the inclusion of youth [...]
The Erasmus+ project ACTIon is offering the module-based training programme DigiPAC (digital participation and active citizenship) for secondary schools (from class 8) and for youth clubs. As ACTIon is currently testing [...]
Das Erasmus+ Projekt „ACTIon - Förderung der aktiven Bürgerschaft durch Demokratiebildung und aktive Online-Beteiligung von Jugend-Rollenmodellen“ bietet für weiterführende Schulen (ab Klasse 8) sowie für Jugendclubs das modulbasierte Trainingsprogramm DigiPAC [...]
The nexus institute has been invited by the National Erasmus + Agency (NAA DAAD) to participate at the Erasmus+ Forum for partnership and cooperation project on 3-4 November 2022 in [...]
Am 26. September trafen sich die sechs ACTIon-Partnerorganisationen coronabedingt 20 Monate nach dem Projektauftakt endlich und zum ersten Mal persönlich für zwei Tage in Sofia / Bulgarien. Am ersten Tag [...]
Die Erprobung unseres Trainingsprogramms DigiPAC (Digital Participation and Active Citizenship/Online-Beteiligung und aktive Bürgerschaft) hat in der letzte Juniwoche in Berlin begonnen. Zwei 9. Klassen der Roentgen-Oberschule sowie eine 11. Klasse [...]
Das Erasmus+ Projekt ACTIon zur Förderung der aktiven Bürgerschaft durch Demokratiebildung und aktive Online-Beteiligung von Jugend-Rollenmodellen – geht in die nächste Phase: Zum Ende des Schuljahres startet das nexus Institut [...]
Save the date! On the 23. Of March (10-11:00), ACTIon is hosting another interactive online event, as part of our Belgian partner’s ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2022. The event will contain [...]
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