The “Participatory project evaluation of health promotion in the living environment of housing and workshops for people with disabilities” conducted by the nexus Institute is implemented within the framework of the “Healthy Living Environments” offer of the Verband der Ersatzkassen e. V. (vdek). The project to be evaluated, “Making health simple. Designing health promotion in workshops and residential facilities” comprises two sub-projects.
The sub-project of the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences aims at the practical development of a consistent, science-based and goal-oriented catalogue of health-promoting measures and a compendium of ideas for the prevention of behavioural and relational problems in residential facilities and workshops for people with disabilities. From this, a modularly applicable portfolio is to be developed that contains a large selection of measures and ideas at the behavioural and relationship level from the entire federal territory.
The sub-project of the Catholic University of Applied Social Sciences Berlin (KHSB) is developing and testing a specialist consultation process for health-promoting structural development in residential and sheltered workshops for people with disabilities in order to enable the implementation there of measures developed in sub-project 1. This includes the development of a curriculum for specialist counsellors for workshops for people with disabilities.
The structuring framework for both sub-projects is the guideline “Services for Health Promotion and Prevention in Living Environments (§20a SGB V and the four fields of action specified therein: nutrition, exercise, stress and addiction).
nexus is conducting an activating evaluation for this project. This includes the participatory development and adaptation of the evaluation concept as well as a continuous cooperation and monitoring process of the joint project. Furthermore, the focus is on the impact orientation of the two projects with reference to the behavioural and relationship levels. Overall, the evaluation will look at three levels:
1. organisation – the setting of the living environment of the residential facility and the workshop, 2. intermediary level or professionals (health team: health coordinators, group leaders, social workers) and 3. the primary target group – people with disabilities (employees/residents in sheltered workshops). Specific, suitable instruments are developed for each survey and a complementary mix of methods is chosen that allows the interrelationship of effects at the structural, process and outcome levels to become apparent.
Duration: 10/2021 – 06/2024
Client: Verband der Ersatzkassen e. V. (vdek)
Team: Dr. Arnd Hofmeister (Projektleitung), Tzvetina Arsova Netzelmann, Dr. Katja Aue