New article by nexus team members
Christiane Dienel and Ina Metzner have, together with former nexus team member Gordian Haas and Viktoria Luhs from RIFS Potsdam, published an article in the latest issue of INNOVATION, the [...]
Christiane Dienel and Ina Metzner have, together with former nexus team member Gordian Haas and Viktoria Luhs from RIFS Potsdam, published an article in the latest issue of INNOVATION, the [...]
The Citizens' Assembly handed over its report with 22 specific recommendations for strengthening the German democracy to the President of the German Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, on the Day for Democracy, [...]
The first Citizens' Assembly took place in Leipzig on 13 and 14 September. 160 randomly selected citizens from all over Germany discuss for a total of four days whether and [...]