In the context of the HubIT project (H2020), nexus took part in the first Designathon – or inclusive hackathon –organized by Startup Division in Vilnius on 4-6 October 2019 and dedicated to GovTech. This event aimed at bringing together the fields of SSH and ICT to create solutions that are responsible and could help government to become more efficient, responsive, and better able to serve society.
In total, 43 participants from 11 countries took part in the event. Participants were divided into 9 interdisciplinary teams, which competed during 2 days in designing projects in order to cope with government or public services issues. They also partook in a pitch workshop, received mentoring and feedback, and, lastly, pitched their ideas to 11 professional experts & judges. The winning team of the Designathon (Team Soteria) developed a software that helps public administration to deal with the implementation of GDPR issues.
This event was the first of the working package entitled “practical collaborative events” and under the responsibility of nexus. Further events that aim to bring social scientists and ICT experts to work together on responsible innovations are going to take place on 25-27 November in Bratislava (register here) and in Berlin, Bratislava and Tel Aviv in the first half of 2020.
Foto: Thomas Blanchet / nexus