Dear OPIN Initiators and eParticipation Enthusiasts,
Youth information providers need to be trained on new channels and tools, and how to design their services in a user-centred and innovative manner to appeal to and reach out to more young people.
Learn more about the service design that is approached from a human-driven way of design thinking and doing. It starts from the needs and requirements of users and looks for solutions together with providers, users and other stakeholders.
Marco Gil-Cervantes from ERYICA (European Youth Information and Counselling Agency) will present DesYIgn project, whose aim was to rethink how youth information services are designed and to create tools and resources to allow youth (information) workers to reach out to a maximum number of young people, especially those at risk of social exclusion.
Join us for our discussion in the 12th edition of the OPIN Community Meetings.
When: Tuesday, April 5th from 10 to 11 pm CET
We will meet on Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 858 3331 8755
Passcode: 267229
Grafik: Creativitas