The coal phase-out in the central German mining region of Saxony-Anhalt is associated with a long-term structural change that offers challenges, but also special opportunities, and is supported by billions in funding. The Central German mining district in Saxony-Anhalt includes the districts of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Mansfeld-Südharz, Burgenlandkreis, Saalekreis and the independent city of Halle. The people in these districts are particularly affected by structural change. As citizens, they should have a direct say, contribute their perspectives and recommendations and develop concrete ideas to help shape structural change. Various citizen participation formats, such as citizen dialogues and ideas competitions, have already been and will continue to be carried out for this purpose.
As a longer-term citizen participation format, the State Chancellery and the Ministry of Culture of Saxony-Anhalt, together with the “Structural Change in the Central German Mining District” staff unit, are currently setting up a citizens’ advisory council for which citizens from the aforementioned districts can register. From all registrations, a total of 20 people will be selected for the Citizens’ Advisory Council by means of a random draw, distributed according to district, gender and age group. For more information and to register, please visit:
In the pilot phase of this citizen participation format, the nexus Institute has been commissioned with the preparation, realisation, moderation and documentation of the first two meetings of the Citizens’ Advisory Council.
Duration: 09/2023 – 01/2024
Client: Staatskanzlei und Ministerium für Kultur des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Stabsstelle “Strukturwandel im Mitteldeutschen Revier”
Team: Dr. Birgit Böhm (Project management), Fabian Dantscher, Antje Heera, Dr. Claudia Bosch
Picture: Copyright Staatskanzlei und Ministerium für Kultur Sachsen-Anhalt