Dr. Thomas Blanchet
Research Associate
tel.: +49 (0)176 40155253
Thomas Blanchet studied sociology at the University of Nantes and at the University of Leipzig. In 2013, he received his doctorate from the Department of Economics at FU Berlin on the subject of privatisation in the German water sector. His dissertation was written within the DFG Research Training Group “Paths of Organizational Processes” and as a guest at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (Department of Organization and Internationalization).
He worked as a researcher at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin and at the Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires, Sociétés at the École des Ponts ParisTech, where he worked on the governance of urban infrastructures (water, energy). During his postdoctoral studies in Paris he was involved in international comparative projects on local energy system transformation. In addition to his scientific activities, he has also taken on teaching positions in organizational theory (Humboldt University Berlin) and international management (Jacobs University Bremen).
Thomas Blanchet has been working at the nexus Institute since 2015. His work and research interests are as follows: Co-production of public services, especially in the fields of water and energy; social innovation and participation in energy system transformation (energy democracy); cooperation between companies, local decision-makers and civil society in the field of infrastructure; governance of smart cities.
Publications (selection)
Berthod, O., Blanchet, T., Busch, H., Kunze, C., Nolden, C., & Wenderlich, M. (2022). The rise and fall of energy democracy: 5 cases of collaborative governance in energy systems. Environmental Management, 1-14. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s00267-022-01687-8.pdf
Blanchet, Thomas, Olivier Berthod, and Carsten Herzberg. “Exploring user co-regulation of public services: insights from the Grenoble water user committee.” Public Management Review (2022): 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/14719037.2022.2026670
Blanchet, T. & Herzberg, C. (2019). Les enjeux démocratiques de la transition énergétique territoriale : enquête sur la coopérative énergétique citoyenne de Iéna. Lien social et Politiques, (82), 139–157.
Blanchet, T., Herzberg, C. (2017), Étude sur la gouvernance et l’organisation des services d’eau potable retournés en gestion publique en France (2000-2016), Working Paper du LATTS, n17-09.
Becker, S., Blanchet, T., Kunze, C. (2016), Social movements and urban energy policy: Assessing contexts, agency and outcomes of remunicipalisation processes in Hamburg and Berlin, Utilities Policy, 41, 228-236.
Blanchet, T. (2016), “A Partial Privatization under Pressure: The Berlin Water Company”, In: Lorrain, D., Poupeau, F., Water regimes: Beyond the public and private sector debate, New-York: Routledge, 93-106.
Blanchet, T. (2015): Struggle over Berlin energy transition: How do grassroots‘ initiatives affect local energy policy-making? Energy Policy, 78, 246-254
Coeurdray, M., Blanchet, T. (2015), Transfert de modèles et dynamiques locales autour de la restructuration des services urbains en Allemagne de l’Est, Allemagne D’Aujourd’hui, 212(2), 151-172.
Blanchet, T. (2014), „L’innovation organisationnelle comme vecteur de(s) transition(s) énergétique(s)? Le cas des coopératives énergétiques citoyennes en Allemagne“. In: G. Christen, P. Hamman, M. Jehling, M. Wintz (Hrg.), Systèmes énergétiques renouvelables en France et en Allemagne, analyse socio-économique, synergies et divergences, Paris: Éditions Orizons, 169-184
Blanchet, T. (2014): Une privatisation partielle sous contrainte, Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 203(3), 60-73
Blanchet, T., Coeurdray, M. (2010), Légitimités asymétriques et hybridations organisationnelles face à l’importation de pratiques étrangères: le secteur de l’eau en Allemagne, Critique Internationale, 48(3), 53-75.