Carlo Thomsen

Research Associate
Fon: +49 (0) 176 41626128

Carlo Thomsen (M. Sc.) studied Geography at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. At the University of Münster, he specialised in the field of human geography in the Master’s programme of the same name. In addition to specialising in geography, he also took political science modules, thereby acquiring interdisciplinary skills.

There was already a certain focus on the topic of sustainable mobility during the degree programme. Overall, the mobility system needs to be made more sustainable, fairer, safer and more efficient in order to meet current and future challenges. As a result, Carlo Thomsen works primarily on mobility-related projects. Other areas of interest include sustainability and urban and regional planning. All topics have a strong focus on participation. During his work at nexus, Carlo Thomsen has already gained a wide range of experience with various participation formats, such as citizens’ councils, planning cells, technology salons, online participation and stakeholder workshops. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are also part of his repertoire. Carlo Thomsen has been a research associate at the nexus Institute since 2022.


Canzler, W.; Haus, J.; Kellermann, R.; Schröder, S. & Thomsen, C. (Hrsg.) (2024): Gemeinsam in Bewegung: Forschung und Praxis für die Mobilitätswende. Beispiele und Erkenntnisse aus den Projekten der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen MobilitätsWerkStadt 2025 und MobilitätsZukunftsLabor 2050. Sammelband. nexus Institut & WZB. Berlin. Schröder, S.; Rasche, B.; Thomsen, C. & Gröschner, S. (2024): Der Bürgerrat Gemeinsame Verkehrswende in Stadt und Land – ein gesellschaftlicher Diskurs für eine nachhaltige Mobilität. GAIA 33/2. S. 261–262.