On behalf of the Ministry of Justice and Migration of Baden-Württemberg, the nexus Institute is conducting the innovative participation process “A court of the future – Advancing the rule of law together.” The aim is to explore opportunities for future developments as well as to identify the need for change and reform on the basis of a broad image of opinion and mood. The target group of this participation process is employees in the judiciary, the legal profession and also in the companies – but also the public sector as a whole, civil society and citizenship in their breadth. The aim is to generate and absorb and condense a variety of impulses from both the population and the employees and to condense them with a view to implementing them. The result is a determination of the situation and a vision of the judicial system in Baden-Württemberg, which can serve as a basis for the development of concrete measures and the initiation of organisational changes. This involves, for example, issues such as digitisation, the use of AI in the judiciary and accessibility, at ease and comprehensibility for citizens.
In cooperation with the project partner Make.org and a project team from the ministry, a bottom-up participation process was designed for this purpose, in which online participation and on-site formats are closely intertwined and in which the participation of the general population, employees and external stakeholders relates to the content. At the end there is a combination of the results and impulses for concrete recommendations for action. In the beginning, there is a broad online consultation, carried out by Make.org, in which a large number of citizens are involved in formulating their main concerns. In a “roadshow” at twelve locations in Baden-Württemberg, a large number of justice workers are taking part in the discussion in the presence. Those employees who do not participate on the ground can get involved online. This is complemented by four stakeholder workshops, where their wishes can become a concrete in an online format for lawyers, interest groups, business and the public sector.
The entire participation process will also be presented interactively at a major event for all employees of the state justice system in October 2024 in Stuttgart. At the end there is a “Salon”, i.e. a high-ranking decision-making format, in which the results of all participation components are condensed into recommendations for action.
Further information can be found here.
Duration: 12/2023-12/2024
Client: Ministerium der Justiz und für Migration des Landes Baden-Württemberg
Team: Dr. Christine von Blanckenburg (Project lead), Prof. Dr. Christiane Dienel, Daniel Jurischka, Katharina Höttemann, Sara Spies
Logo: Ministerium der Justiz und für Migration des Landes Baden-Württemberg