Coordinated by nexus, the Erasmus+ (KA3) project ACTIon was successfully concluded after three years of cooperation. Six experienced partners from Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece and North Macedonia combined vast ranges of expertise in education, digital competence, (digital) youth participation and network cooperation to promote active citizenship through civic education and e-participation of youth role models.
Our objectives: Develop two training programmes based on adaptation of existing good practices and online tools: DigiPAC (Digital Participation and Active Citizenship), MOLA (Model for Opinion Leaders’ Online Activation) and F.I.R.E. (a self-learning mobile app).
DigiPAC addressed primary and secondary school teachers and students as well as young learners in youth work/education settings. MOLA strengthened non-formal education in community settings e.g., for young mothers and young male adults from disadvantaged Roma communities, youth from rural regions and young migrants/refugees.
Our results: In total, 1826 school students, 308 youth volunteers and 83 disadvantaged learners participated in workshops and role model trainings. Eight country case studies highlight lessons learned and the training’s successes.
Upscaling activities comprised of 9 multiplier events at country level, 3 international networking and synergy events with KA3 and other projects, a final workshop at ALL DIGITAL Summit, and the development of policy recommendations. Altogether 421 teachers, 295 education institutions experts, 228 NGOs, 120 further stakeholders and 27 authorities were involved in project activities.
Our key message: Keep young people at the heart of education and training, and create and protect spaces for youth participation in decision-making!
Find more about our policy recommendations in the final external evaluation report by Isham Education and Community Ltd: Download executive summary