The Kunstgewerbemuseum in Pillnitz Castle is part of the Dresden State Art Collections (SKD). The museum aims to view the ongoing process of repositioning as a place of encounter and co-design from the perspective of the citizens. For this purpose, a social forum with 35 coincidentally selected citizens from Dresden, Pirna, Oschatz and Radeberg is used.
On two weekends in November 2023, the members of the Gesellschafts-Forum will discuss this together and develop recommendations and ideas on behalf of the people of the city and other visitors on how the Kunstgewerbemuseum, representing the Dresden State Art Collections, is to develop further in order to remain a relevant, inviting, inclusive and diverse public place of encounters and co-design. The expert report developed is to be taken into account by the management of the museum in future planning and decisions.
Together with the parallel social forum of the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, the Gesellschafts-Forum itself is part of a democracy experiment: The exhibition “Thought with – shaping – Democracy”, which was created in cooperation between the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn and the Kunstgewerbemuseum of the SKD, will first open in Bonn in May 2024 and will be on view in Dresden from 2025. She thinks new ideas for more democracy and examines traditional forms of co-determination. The processes and the results of the advisory boards will be presented in the exhibition and the implementation in the respective institution will be checked.
The nexus Institute organizes both company forums. This includes the development of the concepts, the management of the meetings as well as the moderation of the discussions and results. At the same time, an ongoing exchange between the two processes is ensured in order to be able to achieve the greatest possible learning success through the citizens’ advisory boards for the museums.
Duration: 08/2023 – 04/2024
Client: Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD)
Team: Ina Metzner (Projektleitung), Prof. Dr. Christiane Dienel (Beratung und Moderation), Wiebke Blum, Katharina Fender, Felix Schürhoff