Dr. Claudia Bosch

Research Associate Tel.: +49 (0) 176 40137967 bosch@nexusinstitut.de

Dr. Claudia Bosch studied Human Geography with the minor subjects Latin American Studies and Business Administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and at the Ibero-American University of Puebla (Mexico). Subsequently, she worked for the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) for which she advised actors of local and regional governments on the development of participatory planning instruments. She also worked in London for Canning House, a non-profit organization promoting foreign policy relations between the UK and Latin America. In this context, she gained a wide range of experience in cooperating with different actors of social transformation processes. As Country Officer for Brazil and Haiti of the humanitarian organization Caritas international, she was able to apply and further deepen her knowledge on the planning and implementation of projects to strengthen civil society organizations and democratic institutions. As a research fellow and lecturer at the Institute for Latin American Studies (ZILAS) at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Claudia Bosch was involved in the development of the interdisciplinary research area “Participation and Transformation”. In her dissertation, she analysed barriers to equal political participation for marginalised population groups and focused on making the various strategies of political participation of young adults visible. She worked primarily with qualitative and participatory research methods. Since then, her interests have focussed on the opportunities and challenges of collaborative research and new ways of co-producing knowledge, as well as on changing the understanding of politics towards more inclusive forms of social negotiation. Dr. Claudia Bosch has been a research associate at the nexus Institute since 2022.

Publications (selection)

Bading, Cornelia/Bosch, Claudia (2024). Gender in Post-Pandemic Research: The Potentials of Grounded Theory to Explicitly Guide Gender-Sensitive Inquiry on Discrimination and Violence. In: Violence Against Women. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012241263106

Lütters, Stefanie/Escher, Tobias/Soßdorf, Anna/Gerl, Katharina/Haas, Claudia/Bosch, Claudia (2024): Possibilities and limits of digital participation instruments for public participation in the site selection process (DigiBeSt). Departmental research reports on the safety of nuclear waste management. FKZ 4721E03260. Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE).

von Blanckenburg, Christine/Bosch, Claudia (2022): Evaluation of the Citizens’ Advisory Council on Health in the Health Regionplus District of Dachau. nexus Institute for Cooperation Management and Interdisciplinary Research GmbH

Bosch, Claudia (2021): Political Participation of Young Adults in Peru: Strategies to Overcome Marginalisation. Dissertation: Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Munich: Profil Verlag. Bading, Cornelia/Bosch, Claudia (2018): Thinking and working empirically with grounded theory: An application-oriented reflection on own research experiences. In: Wintzer, Jeannine (Hg.): Sozialraum erforschen. Qualitative Methoden in der Geographie. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 69-87. Bosch, Claudia (2018): Zwischen Ernüchterung und Durchhaltevermögen – Politische Teilhabe junger Erwachsener in Peru. In: Kontinent der Hoffnung. (2018) 39. S. 4-12. Onlinezugang: https://www.adveniat.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Informieren/Publikationen/KdH_2018_Jugend.pdf Brenner, Ludger/ Bosch, Claudia (2015): La certificación de empresas ecoturísticas comunitarias: ¿Un instrumento adecuado para la gobernanza ambiental en la selva lacandona, Chiapas? In: Ortega, Rosales; Brenner, Rocío; Brenner, Ludger (Hrsg.): Geografía de la gobernanza: Dinámicas multiescalares de los procesos económico-ambientales. México, D.F.: Siglo XXI Editores (Sociología y política). S. 23-42.